Cassiodoro Restoration Lab

The laboratory will be set up in an anechoic environment in order to reduce as much as possible the reflection of signals on the walls. The term, from the Greek, in fact means “without echo”, and is particularly useful for studies involving the need to recreate, in a closed environment, simulated conditions of open space in order to carry out measurements in controlled conditions, both from the point of view acoustic and electromagnetic and constant temperature: it is advisable, in fact, that in the places where the works of art are kept, the temperature is constant and between 19-24°.

Humidity will also be kept under control: environments that are too humid or too dry are not suitable for a restoration laboratory. Relative humidity should be between 20-60% (depends on materials). The floor will be of the floating type and the interior of the restoration laboratory will recall the interiors of an ancient “Bottega Fiorentina”, with a large room, “furnished” with machines common to every modern restoration laboratory, but also with ancient tables, carpenter and manual tools as: chisels, steps, chisels, hammers and a marble drill identical in all respects to that used by Renaissance artists. Inside the “Bottega” to receive visitors and explain their history and activities there will be some restorers of the Polo and it will be possible to see in addition to the beautiful place, which will recall the ancient artisan workshops of antiquity, also the works of art allocated therein both for diagnostic and preventive conservation purposes and for restoration purposes. The development model will be based on the collection of all the existing documentation and planning heritage already built with the territory.

The Hub will be the place where all the documentation and territorial planning converge, where the enhancement model is identified, where it is shared, integrated and implemented with the differentiated offer for the different services proposed by the Polo based on:

  • Sharing of local knowledge through dynamic and interactive resource mapping of the tourist vocation and local production of value, in such a way as to make it usable and support services to the public in the form of directories within a web platform;
  • Creation of a platform for cataloging cultural heritage (Atlas of knowledge) and creation of a web portal for networking businesses/actors with the new services offered by the Pole in order to integrate them with a system of tourist services linked to hospitality, in the intent to improve the use of information related to the territory; improve the adoption of promotion, booking and tourist management systems thanks to the use of digital technologies (wi-fi spots, GPS, beacons, image recognition algorithms, etc.); improve accessibility, security, connectivity and the availability of new content through the creation of specific desktop versions and an application for smartphones and tablets with advanced functions for interpreting the territory on the move (augmented reality, virtual reality);

Guarantee specialized training for the different skills of the Polo both for secondary schools, for degree and specialization courses in the various reference sectors (LMS, online tutorials, webinars);

Create complex chains of territorial enhancement that create synergy between artistic and ecclesiastical superintendences, museums, dioceses and parishes present in the area, hotel accommodation facilities, chambers of commerce, universities, sector SMEs to ensure that the project is integrated and sustainable.