22 DICEMBRE 2018 – geosnews.com

The establishment of the Polo Cassiodoro: new opportunities for the Calabrian tourist and cultural sector

The Polo Cassiodoro was officially established on Tuesday 18 December. An ambitious project which involves several subjects in more Italian cities. The official establishment arrives after the first meeting, held in Naples last November 28th, when the actors of the Polo Cassiodoro have gathered together, after the caller’s winner published by the Regione Calabria for the Constitution of a Polo of Cultural Heritage and Tourism that favors the Insertion of new forms of enhancement and innovation. A project that from here to the next three years is proposed to develop a regional industry system with the firm conviction of obtaining concrete results. The main mission of the project is to constitute an hub capable of providing services and transferring knowledge for tourism and cultural heritage focused on high-tech modes. Initially it will be necessary to evaluate cultural heritage from the point of view of their physical anatomy, so understanding the materials that compose them and see their state of preservation to establish which is the best method of acting to be able to enhance them. The project, in fact, has not only a purely evaluation purpose but aims at concrete actions. It therefore becomes necessary to apply its diagnosis and make tangible interventions. In this way, not only it will stop the degradation processes and crash of cultural heritage, but it will favor the reactivation of the villages from a socio-economic point of view. The Polo, which elected Chairman Paolo Frignani (professor of the Universities of Geneva and Ferrara), is composed of the following companies: Cooperativa Dedalo of Catanzaro (leader), Centro Vela Ionio (Catanzaro); Vetta Costruzioni (Guardavalle); Cooperativa Auris (Reggio Calabria); Officine delle Idee (Cosenza); Naos Consulting (Catanzaro); 3DNA (Naples); Enviroconsult (Naples); Abn Energy & Efficiency (Perugia) and Komedia (Rome). To these are added the two research bodies: exo and Icomos.  Cultural tourism and art is no longer made of silent walks in ancient museums with tourist guide to hand. Today it is possible to enter the works, talk to them, let us communicate with them their essence. Innovation can finally give voice to “silent” cultural heritage, goods that the Polo Cassiodoro does not only mean as the immense historical and artistic heritage present on the territory, but which include all those intangible factors such as lifestyles, traditions, values ​​that They need to be stored and valued with care equal to a work of art. In summary the project of the Polo Cassiodoro will encourage and realize new ways of operating in the field of cultural and tourism property using innovative multimedia and social networking tools, involving and setting up communities and territories, building tourist and cultural paths accessible to anyone to break down not only architectural barriers, but also perceptive and sensory ones. The establishment of the Polo Cassiodororo of the Regione Calabria become so a new and important development opportunity of economic and occupational growth for the Calabrian tourist and cultural sector and for sector business enterprises.

Source: it.geosnews.com