The Polo’s mission is strictly connected with improving knowledge and protection of the historical environment for the recognition of local identity and the quality of life of populations (social and economic growth). The main aim of the Polo is in this sense to create a new model of integrated territorial development that is circular at the level of the tourism supply chain, innovative through the support of digital technologies, and sustainable, for i.e. capable of functioning and being replicated in other regional and national contexts.

In particular, the PIC aims at Development of the Calabrian Territory, Evaluation of the Territory and Technological Innovation.

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The Calabrian historical-cultural heritage is composed of many archaeological and underwater sites, evidence of defensive architecture (castles, towers), civil and religious architecture artifacts, areas of industrial archaeology (Reali Ferriere di Mongiana), spinning mills, mills, factories, villages and historical centers of historical-architectural-urbanistic value, national museums, state cultural institutes and cultural attractions, as well as of a series of the so called “minor” museums, demo-ethno-anthropological and paleontological assets, naturalistic and landscape resources, that are still scarce valued for tourism purposes. The actions of the Polo aim at strengthening the territorial development policies through the creation of services and “experiential creative art systems” (which can also be used by people with sensory impairments and of any age and cultural as well as geographical origin) that thanks to the use of the most modern information and communication technologies are able to return interactive artistic scenes, immersive environments, multimedia paths for new ways of reading and using the regional cultural and environmental heritage, for the enhancement of places, specificity of typical productions and of ancient crafts, to bring out goods and services on a national and international scale.


One of the main purpose of the Polo is to create a new model of circular territorial development at the level of the tourism and innovative supply chain, through the support of digital and sustainable technologies. Through the enhancement of the regional cultural and environmental heritage, the PIC proposes itself as a promoter of interventions capable of “building” and promoting the vast Calabrian identity system in order to make it possible through the technological transfer of knowledge, the innovative reading and the integrated use of places. The Polo offers products and services that affect multiple themes, ranging from the development of new technologies for diagnostics and restoration, to the development of innovative technologies (including virtual and experiential) for the use and application of vision and multimedia technologies, 3D, augmented reality, up to the design and implementation of systems for sustainable and “accessible” tourism and the use of new methods and strategies for saving energy and environmental efficiency (self-production of energy for products / services , applications that use renewable energy).

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The Pic manages all the information through systems and technological platforms that will favour:

  • the integration of the cultural and creative supply chain and the tourism one
  • the provision of digital memories, specific and multifunctional databases (Gis restoration sites, digital cataloguing, management of document archives, social museum, centralized booking for hotel accommodation, tourist services and cultural offer) to the project owners , web marketing for the purpose of a more effective and efficient management of the regional territory;
  • the creation and promotion of digital content, forms of cataloguing and enhancement of the territory, cultural heritage, artisan and food and wine realities;
  • the design and implementation of information systems, interaction design and design oriented capable of responding to the demand for new forms of use of the environment, the city and cultural heritage increasingly oriented to the use of metalanguages and new multimedia technologies that become places of narration and work material to define new immersive and experiential ways to get to know the territory, the resources and the specificities of the places.